Going on a camping adventure lets you try out different exciting and mind blowing outdoor activities that the whole family can join and enjoy, one of them being hiking. For parents who have an extensive hiking experience, it’s normally their joy to involve their kids as well so that they can get to enjoy just like you did plus it’s a great way of bonding with them.
The thing is, before you start your hiking with your young one, there are a few things you need to know so as to make your adventure a success. If you have tried hiking with your child before, you know very well that it’s not usually easy and you might end up turning back halfway. With a little planning combined with a few tips and tricks, you and your family are guaranteed to have an amazing time. With that being said, we will be sharing useful tips on hiking with kids between the ages of 5 years to 12 years in South East Queensland.
Choose a kid friendly hiking trail
Remember that the adventure is mainly about your kids and not you so you have to pick a hiking trail that is suitable for them. Find trails that will accommodate their tiny legs without them having to struggle to keep up, has a number of beautiful natural features that they can easily spot on their own such as waterfalls, birds, unique plants and other harmless creatures and also a trail that’s not too steep or rocky as they might end up hurting themselves just to say the least.
Additionally keep in mind the distance as well. The good thing about picking a trail that has interesting features along the way is that the kids get occupied with what is around them instead of focusing too much on the journey and its distance which could easily make them get bored fast hence giving up halfway. It will also not only be fun for the kids but you as well, as you get to enjoy the adventure without much fuss and your kids throwing a tantrum. Also playing games and singing songs makes it fun for the kids as well. Lastly, take regular breaks for the kids to recharge.
Ensure you have the essentials
Even before you embark on this journey, ensure that you have all the necessary items that will help make the adventure a success. Some of the essentials you need to have with you when hiking with kids include water to keep them cool and hydrated, high energy snacks like granola bars, nuts, fruits and some sweets as well for appreciation purposes, sunscreen, hiking backpack, sunglasses, a first aid kit, headlamp, binoculars, trash bags, maps and other navigation tools, safety whistle and so on.
Read More: Hiking Essentials You Need To Bring Along For Your Hiking Adventure
Get them involved
There are so many ways you can involve your kid while hiking such as putting them in charge of the map, giving them a chance to take photos on their own, letting them decide the hiking trails you guys are going to hike on and the activities you will be doing while hiking. This makes them feel like they are part of the adventure plus it’s one way of building their enthusiasm as well. Having them tag along is great but it’s also important for you to give them a chance to feel like they’re in charge. In the case where they feel overwhelmed or confused, that is where you can step in and give them a hand.Β
Dress for the adventure
Wearing appropriate clothing and having good quality gear are important considerations to ensure kids have a comfortable and exciting adventure. If you kid gets too cold/wet or too hot then it wonβt be much fun for them or you either. When it comes to clothing, layering is the best way to ensure your kids stay warm and dry plus if it does get hotter it’s easy for them to remove the clothing. These layers include base layer (lightweight top), middle layer( fleece jacket or a light sweater) and outer layer(waterproof jacket).
For pants, you can get them convertible hiking pants and ensure they are lightweight, have UV protection and quick drying. Let us not forget about the feet as sore feet and blisters can ruin the whole adventure. Ensure you get good quality hiking boots especially if you plan on hiking frequently with your kidΒ but also good quality sneakers can work especially if you arenβt covering a long trail. Last but not least, getting hiking gear for your kids will definitely get them excited.
Start the hike early enough
The earlier the better as that’s when kids have the most energy. If possible, you could also start the journey when it’s still dark so that you can get to witness a majestic sunrise, a view that will definitely be imprinted in not only your mind but your childβs as well.Β
Leave no trace
The most important rule while camping or hiking is to never leave a trace and that’s why carrying trash bags with you is crucial. Teaching your kids at a young age the effects of littering makes it easier for them to follow the rules easier and faster and as they grow older it will become an automatic thing for them.
In conclusion, kids are physically and mentally capable of doing so much, hence why it’s important for you to keep encouraging them and cheering them one. Though in the case where they are unable to complete the hiking adventure, there is nothing wrong with tuning back halfway. Just make sure you donβt make them feel bad about it.Β
Read More:Β Eco-Friendly Camping Tips For Your Next Camping Adventure