If you have been craving for an adventure that will test your patience, your mental strength and physical capability, then camping in the wild could be a perfect idea. Having a few tricks and tips at hand can make the experience much more bearable and not so daunting, plus you may end up enjoying it in the end. Note that this can only happen if you are fully prepared. Read along to know some of the necessary wilderness survival tips that are needed.
Ensure you are mentally prepared
When camping in the wild, the best thing you can do for yourself is try to have a positive and proactive attitude. This way, even if you are facing a few challenges here and there you can always find a silver lining. Panicking may cause you to make rash decisions without considering the consequences which may lead to a bigger disaster. One way you can mentally prepare yourself for this adventure is by making a plan. Some of the crucial questions you can ask yourself that can help you plan better include; Do I have all the necessary equipment and items I need to survive? Do I have tools that will help me find my way in case I get lost? Do I have the necessary clothing? Do I have enough food for that period?
Find a spot and build a shelter
In the case where you did not carry your tent or a sleeping bag or youβve decided to literally go the wilderness route then it’s important to figure out how you are going to build your shelter before darkness settles in. When setting up shelter, be mindful of the weather. You need something that will effectively protect you not only from the sun but also when it gets cold at night.
When trying to look for a place where you can set up your shelter, avoid caves as wild animals may dwell there, crevices, areas that look like they flood or grounds that are infested with insects. Find a fallen log or a pole/long branches that you can lift up and support them between two trees and try to make an A-frame. Then gather some branches and lean them on the log covering the spaces with leaves. You can then add a tarp over them to ensure you have a water resistant shelter. There are different types of shelters where you can build tarp shelters, tarp teepees with poles, tarp teepees with no poles and so on. It just depends on what your needs are.
Search for water sources
If you didnβt carry enough water with you, then finding a clean and uncontaminated water source should be a priority. Note that as much as the water may appear clean and clear, you will still need to boil it in order to kill any bacteria that could be in the water. You could also bring along a water purifier just to be safe.
Other ways that you could purify your water include treating the water chemically or using UV rays purification systems. UV lights stop microbes from reproducing, reducing their potential for harm. One way you can use this method is by filling in your plastic or glass water bottles with filtered water and keeping the water under the sunlight.
Read more:Β Camping Water Hacks: Conserve and Purify The Water You Use
Build a fire
To successfully build a fire, you will need waterproof matches, some tinder, kindling and firewood. Tinder consists of small twigs or dry leaves. Ensure you use enough tinder so that your fire doesnβt die out quickly. Then add the kindling on top of the tinder which includes small sticks that are less than one inch long. Lastly, add your firewood which consists of any large wood as this is what will keep your fire going. After that, light the tinder with a match or lighter. Blow lightly at the base at the base of the fire which will help increase the intensity of the flame and further ignite the wood. Once the fire is going strong and the temperature increases, you can add logs as needed.
Bring along a first aid kit
While in the wild, it is possible for you to suffer from a few bruises, cuts or strains hence why it’s important for you to bring along a First Aid Kit. You can easily treat minor injuries which could stop them from getting infected. In addition, know how to treat the most common injuries even before setting out to go into the wild.